Aphrodisiac Profile: Romantic

You can reach the peak of pleasure with someone you fully trust, someone to whom you can entrust your body and soul.

For you, time and space are fundamental bases for letting go and fully experiencing the relationship.

You need tranquility, you don’t like to rush, and you need to feel safe in every way. The environment around you must make you feel embraced in a dimension of deep intimacy. You love soft lighting and perhaps some enveloping music.

You feel comfortable if the person beside you pampers you with loving and romantic words.

For you, the ideal is a beautiful evening, filled with complicity and kindness, followed by long kisses, while he/she gently caresses your face and hair.

You don’t like to take the initiative and lead the game; you prefer the other person to extend their hand and guide you to pleasure; you want to feel that your pleasure is important to him/her.

You can fully surrender and relax only if you feel that the other person has feelings for you.

Book a free Call With Me!
I have decided to offer you a free call with me, to better discover the characteristics of your profile and how to get the maximum benefit!
Potential challenges of your profile:

One of the risks you might face if you identify with this profile is that you place so many romantic expectations on your partner that you risk idealizing them, creating romantic fantasies that don’t reflect reality.

This can lead you to tolerate dysfunctional behaviors because you unconsciously don’t want to accept that reality doesn’t match your fantasy;

you focus on the potential of the person in front of you, on what they could be both sexually and relationally (perhaps thanks to you) and not on what they actually are.

Another risk could be that, if you feel a connection, you might tend to place complete and blind trust in the other, ignoring “warning signs” and risking finding yourself in unwanted situations.

On the other hand, there’s also the risk that you may never find the right person for you because you are so ardently searching for an idealized figure born from your expectations and fantasies, that you can’t find anyone who matches this ideal in the real world.

And this can lead to continuous dissatisfaction and frustration.

In short, you risk self-sabotage within relationships, both sexually and emotionally.

But there are also good news! Continue reading below and discover more…

How I can help you

Many of my clients identify with this profile, which in itself has nothing wrong, unless you discover you have the challenges I’ve listed above.

The causes could be a strict upbringing or one that has always discouraged you from experimenting, from listening to and embracing yourself.

Perhaps you hear a judging voice inside you every time you want to fully let go or try something new.

Or it could be a total romanticization of sex, which blocks you before you even discover what awaits you.

If you’re single, these challenges might cause you pain and frustration… and constantly waiting could close you off and dry you up, making it harder to connect with others.

If you are already in a relationship, I ask you: do you see the person next to you for who he/she really is or do you project your fantasies, annihilating your partner?

Or do you perhaps always point out what they do wrong, making everything seem heavy because it doesn’t match your high expectations?

Falling into the shadow side of this profile means often experiencing suffering in the relationship or having difficulty starting one or making it progress.

But don’t worry. A solution exists and it will be a beautiful and pleasant experience for you!

Here’s how I can help you:

Individual Sessions with Maya

The 1:1 sessions with me are ideal for dismantling, step by step, the beliefs that limit and sabotage you in your sexuality, in couple dynamics… and this transformation will positively spill over into every other area of your life.

I will dedicate myself to you intensely and exclusively, in 1:1 online individual sessions and also through voice notes, messages, and WhatsApp videos: it will be like having your Mentor always with you in your bag.

This way, I will help you quickly and effectively untangle those knots that prevent you from living juicy and ecstatic intimacy, and an orgasmic life.

Through the practices I will teach you, you will finally feel fulfilled both sexually and emotionally, without ever losing your precious romantic nature.

I will guide you hand in hand until you feel aware, confident, and satisfied in your need to combine being romantic with a sexual life so full it makes you feel on top of the world!