Aphrodite Mystic Rose Process
Dear Divine Soul,

Thank You for gifting Your Sacred Self the opportunity to enjoy this amazing Journey experiencing the …

Magic of Aphrodite Mystic Rose Process.

This is an intense and transformative Process after which you will know how it feels to live ecstatically, walking the Aphrodite Mystery Path, exploring the Beauty, Grace, Purity and Pleasure She provides us through one of Her most powerful Symbols: the Mystic Rose.

The Rose is a portentous flower sacred to Aphrodite.
She has lots of magical properties, healing and balancing all Chakras, with a very elevating yet very grounding vibration and She can help us in many ways. Her magical uses are multiple, involve all senses and can be prepared in many ways, simple or more elaborate.

This 8 Day Cycle to connect to "Aphrodite Mystic Rose" is an amazing experience and something you can even more fully dive in and relish walking the Three Year Training "Priestess of the Sea – Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality"©.

During this amazing and life-changing Sacred Path, among many other ancient practices and techniques, the trainees will explore and experience, profoundly and intensely, how to gratefully receive the many generous gifts Aphrodite profusely offers us and use them for Healing, Purifying, and to create and enhance Beauty, Art and Grace, allow and ride Pleasure, enjoy Sexuality, awaken Sens-uality and live Ecstatically.

To discover more about the Three Year Training "Priestess of the Sea – Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality"©,

To discover more about the online Training "Daughter/Son of Aphrodite". And if you desire to know more about the Private online Sessions I offer, .

Now it's time to enjoy your Journey into the Mysteries of Aphrodite Mystic Rose…
with Love and Blessing
Please start by watching this
introduction video
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