Follow your True Life Purpose, making the world a better place while thriving in Pleasure, Beauty and Sacredness!



Follow your True Life Purpose, making the world a better place while thriving in Pleasure, Beauty and Sacredness!

Imagine waking up every day with a smile on your face, because you deeply feel you’re living according to your Life Purpose, the same one that fills you with enthusiasm and energy, pouring joy into your Soul.

Imagine being part of a community of Allies, where you Give and Receive Support, forgetting about that individualism that makes so many alone and fragile.

Imagine your days blossoming in Beauty, Pleasure, Sensuality, Harmony and Grace, living every moment in Full Presence and intensely.

Imagine your days blossoming in Beauty, Pleasure, Sensuality, Harmony and Grace, living every moment in Full Presence and intensely.

Imagine to be among people of your Soul Family, with whom you can celebrate Ancient Rituals to live together Spiritual and Sacred Dimension in everyday life.

Imagine being the protagonist of this Change,

taking back your full Personal Power to Say, Be and Act your inner Truth.

And bringing your Gifts and Talents into the world,

participating, with other like-minded people, in the creation of a Vision that stands out from the pack, becoming a good Ancestor for the daughters and sons of the future.

Imagine waking up every day with a smile on your face, because you deeply feel you’re living according to your Life Purpose, the same one that fills you with enthusiasm and energy, pouring joy into your Soul.

Imagine being part of a community of Allies, where you Give and Receive Support, forgetting about that individualism that makes so many alone and fragile.

Imagine your days blossoming in Beauty, Pleasure, Sensuality, Harmony and Grace, living every moment in Full Presence and intensely.

Imagine your days blossoming in Beauty, Pleasure, Sensuality, Harmony and Grace, living every moment in Full Presence and intensely.

Imagine to be among people of your Soul Family, with whom you can celebrate Ancient Rituals to live together Spiritual and Sacred Dimension in everyday life.

Imagine being the protagonist of this Change,

taking back your full Personal Power to Say, Be and Act your inner Truth.

And bringing your Gifts and Talents into the world,

participating, with other like-minded people, in the creation of a Vision that stands out from the pack, becoming a good Ancestor for the daughters and sons of the future.

Taking back your full Personal Power to Say, Be and Act your inner Truth.

And bringing your Gifts and Talents into the world, participating, with other like-minded people, in the creation of a Vision that stands out from the pack, becoming a good Ancestor for the daughters and sons of the future.

Taking back your full Personal Power to Say, Be and Act your inner Truth.

And bringing your Gifts and Talents into the world, participating, with other like-minded people, in the creation of a Vision that stands out from the pack, becoming a good Ancestor for the daughters and sons of the future.

Maybe you don't know it but...
This dimension of peace, beauty and care is already within us, because it existed in the past – in the golden age of the Goddess Aphrodite – before people were slowly intoxicated by patriarchal dogmas, no longer trusting their own intuition and body wisdom.

This dimension has never stopped existing in many places on Earth (historically documented!) and...

This dimension of peace, beauty and care is already within us, because it existed in the past – in the golden age of the Goddess Aphrodite – before people were slowly intoxicated by patriarchal dogmas, no longer trusting their own intuition and body wisdom.

This dimension has never stopped existing in many places on Earth (historically documented!) and...

This is exactly the reality we created at the Temple of the Great Goddess in Rome.

This is exactly the reality we created at the Temple of the Great Goddess in Rome.


I'm Maya Vassallo di Florio and for 13 years I have been guiding people from all over the world to their Empowerment, helping them thrive with Pleasure and Ecstasy through Aphroditic Philosophy and Spirituality, and the Arts of Sacred Sexuality.
I'm Maya Vassallo di Florio and for 13 years I have been guiding people from all over the world to their Empowerment, helping them thrive with Pleasure and Ecstasy through Aphroditic Philosophy and Spirituality, and the Arts of Sacred Sexuality.
I have collaboration with La Sapienza University and also mentioned by the University of Turin, John Cabot University and Oxford University.

I am a Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality.

I drive hundreds of people every year along per-courses of spiritual and personal growth, and I support them in the process of healing their wounds.
I help women and men regain ownership of a harmonious relationship with their Body, their Essence and their Power.
Perhaps you have read several spiritual books or spent hours meditating trying to detach from your body, to land in a different dimension.

But you‘ll always feel like something is missing.

You know there is another path.

A powerful, juicy, sacred, joyful, wise and welcoming path.

All this is within you, but you need to start a journey capable of opening the door for you, together with those who - just like you - are not satisfied with living in the mediocrity of a meaningless routine.
Perhaps you have read several spiritual books or spent hours meditating trying to detach from your body, to land in a different dimension.

But you‘ll always feel like something is missing.

You know there is another path.

A powerful, juicy, sacred, joyful, wise and welcoming path.

All this is within you, but you need to start a journey capable of opening the door for you, together with those who - just like you - are not satisfied with living in the mediocrity of a meaningless routine.
If you feel something burning, if you want to find that vital energy that allows you to get out of bed feeling like you have a purpose and you want to help make this a better world,

then know that a Life-Changing Training is about to begin

If you feel something burning, if you want to find that vital energy that allows you to get out of bed feeling like you have a purpose and you want to help make this a better world,

then know that a Life-Changing Training is about to begin

"Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality"

The Three-Year Training for all people who wish to reclaim Ancient Proto-European Spiritual Arts and Traditions and a way of Sacred Crafting that is at the same time ancient and modern and joyful.

This is yje path for you, if you want to live a life full of sacredness and magic through Aphroditic Philosophy and Spirituality and Sacred Sexuality Techniques.

This training has changed the lives of many people of all ages and from all over Italy and the world

The Three-Year Training for all people who wish to reclaim Ancient Proto-European Spiritual Arts and Traditions and a way of Sacred Crafting that is at the same time ancient and modern and joyful.

This is yje path for you, if you want to live a life full of sacredness and magic through Aphroditic Philosophy and Spirituality and Sacred Sexuality Techniques.

This training has changed the lives of many people of all ages and from all over Italy and the world

Artista, Operatrice olistica
Priest-ess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality© is a training that has certainly changed my life. It made me getting rid of old prejudices, led me to know the thousand faces of the Goddess, of nature, of woman, of me! A magical journey that connects with the most ancient and authentic values ​​and that made me discover many beautiful sisters! Thank you, Maya, because you are a wonderful guide and you have tested yourself with us by always maintaining your center, thus supporting us in the most difficult moments! Because taking off the old clothes they have sewn on us can hurt, but how it is amazing to enjoy freedom and love afterwards!!!❤️
II training "Sacerdote of the Sea, Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality" is a wonderful, impotent, intense and decidedly upsetting and transformative path.

It was not easy, there have been so many challenges and moments of crisis and discouragement, but I will never stop thanking myself for not giving up, because now I know who I am and where I am going, I have freed myself from many ballasts and now I can dance my life in grace and beauty. Maya is a brave and determined woman, she was for me a wise, sweet, present and authoritative guide, firm and welcoming when needed. She was and still is, a great example, through her words and actions, she is a source of great inspiration. She was a wonderful teacher and is now a precious Sister. Immersing yourself in the Mysteries of Aphrodite is not easy, but it is always worth it, abandoning yourself to its waves can be really scary, but after a while it becomes intoxicating and ecstatic.

Thank you Maya!
Maya, since I started the journey with Aphrodite, experienced her first practices and rituals that you taught us... I have rediscovered much of the feeling that I had perhaps taken for granted. Pleasure, simplicity, everyday life. Desire, Love and Trust. I'm loving this First Wave, I loved every single practice I do on a daily basis. I feel a great difference, lightness, spontaneity, Love, since I started praying to Aphrodite and remembering her in my life. In addition to the Goddess herself, I must thank you and the Temple, who are the keys and doors of this magical path. I love all of this and I am everyday more and more sure of my choice. I want to become a Priest of Aphrodite, of the Sea and of Sacred Sexuality. The Temple is a special place, well shielded from external energies, it seemed to be in a place suspended between the worlds, without borders, beyond time and space. Maya you are a great guide, a free spirit and a strong believer in the values ​​of the Mother World, a great person who cares for others!
Hi Maya, I wanted to tell you how taking the three-year training as a Priest of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality has already changed my life in the name of Pleasure, reclaiming it. Studying your teaching modules and practices of this season make me feel a sense of great emotion for the beauty of the Aphroditic Path that you have created. The beauty of rediscovering the magic and sacredness in every little thing we do, from art crafting, to playing and even magical cooking .... Only one word comes to my mind, WONDERFUL! I am everyday happier and happier to have begun following your footsteps, and I know and feel that the Goddess is truly smiling at me for starting entering into Her Mysteries. All this is thanks to you, for everything you do for us all and for having created such a well-structured cult, complete of sacred, physical and ecstatic practices that work amazingly well. I really admire and respect you very much, and you will always have my support. You are and always will be Aphrodite’s Greatest Priestess of this millennium.
The Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality© Training is for you if:

  • You want to live a life in which you can enjoy the sacredness and beauty of every moment, no longer feeling like a hamster on a wheel
  • You want to rediscover a deep connection with your body and its wisdom
  • You would like to awaken your innate and natural Sensuality, amplifying the intuitive, magical use of all the senses
  • You feel the need to be part of a community that has the same Vision as you, with whome you can share deeply
  • You want to learn to practice Sisterhood/Brotherhood as a political act
  • You want to learn and practice Non-violent Communication
  • You would like to awaken your Power to Say, Be and Act your Inner Truth
  • You wish to reclaim the Magic Arts and Ancient Traditions in your daily life.
  • You want to live a life in which you can enjoy the sacredness and beauty of every moment, no longer feeling like a hamster on a wheel
  • You want to rediscover a deep connection with your body and its wisdom
  • You would like to awaken your innate and natural Sensuality, amplifying the intuitive, magical use of all the senses
  • You feel the need to be part of a community that has the same Vision as you, with whome you can share deeply
  • You want to learn to practice Sisterhood/Brotherhood as a political act
  • You want to learn and practice Non-violent Communication
  • You would like to awaken your Power to Say, Be and Act your Inner Truth
  • You wish to reclaim the Magic Arts and Ancient Traditions in your daily life.

  • You want to find the profound meaning of your presence on this earth
  • You want to manifest the Vision of an Aphroditic World where people make Love, not war
  • Are you ready for your Empowerment, your Blossomimg, your Personal Splendor and your Success
  • You want a life no more based on scarifice, but Pleasure-oriented
  • You want to experience cosmic, ecstatic, Aphroditic sex and make your relatioship bloom
  • You want to be part of a wonderful Tribe based on Matriarchal Values of mutual Care and Cooperation, without feeling alone and confused anymore
  • You want to do a job that coincides with your Life Mission and learn it through excellent Training

The Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality© Training is not for you if:

  • You prefer new-age spirituality
  • You expect a fast food of spirituality
  • You are content with 'surviving'
  • You believe in competition, in hierarchy, in the absence of personal responsibility for what happens in the rest of the world
  • You think everything can be solved miraculously without taking action and embracing your power
  • You believe patriarchy has also brought some good things
  • You prefer new-age spirituality
  • You expect a fast food of spirituality
  • You are content with 'surviving'
  • You believe in competition, in hierarchy, in the absence of personal responsibility for what happens in the rest of the world
  • You think everything can be solved miraculously without taking action and embracing your power
  • You believe patriarchy has also brought some good things

This is a path where mind and heart dance together, where Philosophy and Aphroditic Spirituality merge with Sacred Sexuality.

It is a journey that unites in perfect harmony the intellectual and cultural part with the artistic, creative, physical, sensual, sensorial and sexual part.

It's a life-transforming experience for the better and forever!

Discover the revolutionary power of living in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

The path consists of three years, called "Waves".

Year after year you will learn increasingly in-depth Techniques and Sacred Practices of the Aphroditic Tradition and you will be trained to increasingly be able to generate, hold and radiate Aphroditic Energies.

Here is what you will find in the First Wave, i.e. in the first year of training:
  • 8 Modules + 3 Extras
  • 8 LIVE Q&A Group Sessions with Maya
  • 8 seasonal ceremonies (the dates will be communicated shortly and sent via email to the entire Temple community)
  • 8 Individual Sessions with the assigned Priestess Tutor (carefully selected for each student according to character affinities and interests)
  • Assistance on the secret, private and exclusive Facebook group
  • Assistance via email
  • Printable Practices
  • Printable theorical handouts
  • Lifetime access to study material on Teachable
  • 2 printable versions of Aphrodite's Wheel of the Year
  • Printable Aphrodite's Wheel Correspondence Table
  • 8 printable paintings of each Aphrodite’s Archetype realized by paintress Susanna Gattuso for the Priestesses in training
  • Video of the Aphrodite Wheel Calling Practice
Here is what you will find in the First Wave, i.e. in the first year of training:
  • 8 Modules + 3 Extras
  • 8 LIVE Q&A Group Sessions with Maya
  • 8 seasonal ceremonies (the dates will be communicated shortly and sent via email to the entire Temple community)
  • 8 Individual Sessions with the assigned Priestess Tutor (carefully selected for each student according to character affinities and interests)
  • Assistance on the secret, private and exclusive Facebook group
  • Assistance via email
  • Printable Practices
  • Printable theorical handouts
  • Lifetime access to study material on Teachable
  • 2 printable versions of Aphrodite's Wheel of the Year
  • Printable Aphrodite's Wheel Correspondence Table
  • 8 printable paintings of each Aphrodite’s Archetype realized by paintress Susanna Gattuso for the Priestesses in training
  • Video of the Aphrodite Wheel Calling Practice


  • 2 Grounding and Centering in the Sea audio Meditations in short and long version to expand your power and connection (Valued 200 USD)
  • Video of the Breath of Fire Practice (Valued 30 USD)
  • Video of Aphrodite's Prayer with associated movements (Valued 30 USD)
  • Video of the Goddess Mantra with associated movements (Valued 60 USD)
  • Participation to the in-person Aphrodite's Kepoi in Rome, by the Tempio della Grande Dea* (Valued 2000 USD)
  • Participation to the in-person intensive week of Training/Retreat in Rome, experiencing what it’s like to priestess in a Temple and doing daily pilgrimages in ancient Temples in Rome and by the roman coast and countryside (VALUED 4000 USD)


*Aphrodite’s Kepoi is the Annual Gathering of all the Priestesses and Priests of Aphrodite and of Sacred Sexuality of all years, even the seniors, from every part of the world.

This is a unique opportunity to meet in a multicultural and stimulating circle of brilliant people, to recharge and enrich yourself through workshops, conferences, ceremonies, dancing and singing Circles!
*Aphrodite’s Kepoi is the Annual Gathering of all the Priestesses and Priests of Aphrodite and of Sacred Sexuality of all years, even the seniors, from every part of the world.

This is a unique opportunity to meet in a multicultural and stimulating circle of brilliant people, to recharge and enrich yourself through workshops, conferences, ceremonies, dancing and singing Circles!
Due to the immensity and preciousness of what I offer and the care with which I offer it, the value of each year of the course is $ 2,500.
Plus all the Incredible Bonuses, this brings the value of the Training to $ 8820.

(BUT…Wait and read on, because that's not the amount I reserved for you!)

I decided to offer a great opportunity to allow the highest number of really determined and motivated people to join in, so...
Here are the 2 Super Offers you can choose from


  • Value Training + Bonuses ̶$̶ ̶8̶8̶2̶0̶
  • Discount $ 800
  • Single Payment
  • If you pay for the entire year upon enrollment, and join in by the 29th October

$ 800



  • Value Training + Bonuses ̶$̶ ̶8̶8̶2̶0̶
  • Discount $ 1000
  • 10 installments of $ 100 each
  • And you sign up by paying the first instalment, by the 29th October

$ 100 / month
In addition...

As I know the immense value of this path, I am so sure that you will love it with all the same...

... that I offer you the 100% Money Back Guarantee up to 15 days from sign up!

Here are the 2 Super Offers you can choose from


  • Value Training + Bonuses ̶$̶ ̶8̶8̶2̶0̶
  • Discount $ 800
  • Single Payment
  • If you pay for the entire year upon enrollment, and join in by the 29th October

$ 800



  • Value Training + Bonuses ̶$̶ ̶8̶8̶2̶0̶
  • Discount $ 1000
  • 10 installments of $ 100 each
  • And you sign up by paying the first instalment, by the 29th October

$ 100 / month
In addition...

As I know the immense value of this path, I am so sure that you will love it with all the same...

... that I offer you the 100% Money Back Guarantee up to 15 days from sign up!

The dates of the First Wave

Here are the dates of the First Wave Online Meetings 2023/2024:

These Fridays 7-9 pm CEST

  • 17 November
  • 22 December
  • 19 January 2024
  • 9 February
  • 15 March
  • 12 April
  • 17 May
  • 12 July

In-person intensive week in Rome:

17-23 June 2024

During these extraordinary days you’ll be immersed in sacredness
Enhancing your training as a Priestess of Aphrodite


Earticipating to the International Kepoi gathering


Dedication Ceremony

The path of Priestess of Aphrodite, of the Sea and of Sacred Sexuality is a journey within ourselves, within our own depths, leading to contacting emotional discomforts and long-hidden wounds. A journey to discover the majesty of the Goddess and her thousand faces, which we can actually found in every gesture of our real and daily life. Learning to ride the waves, enjoying every turn of Aphrodite’s Wheel, every energetic and seasonal change, and doing it in a state of awareness is essential to learn to face all the different moments that life donate us, to rediscover the relationship with the natural elements and with ourselves. During this 3-year journey I experienced intense moments and always, with love, patience, firmness and intelligence, I was guided by Maya, who was an expert teacher, a Sister, a friend and a companion of journey with which I felt safe to share everything I felt and experienced. The circle with which I shared these three years is still today of great support and we created a precious relationship between us as sisters. I am incredibly grateful and honored to have walked Aphrodite’s Path!
The training Priest-ess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality© is a wonderful, empowering, intense and decidedly extraordinary and transformative path. Choosing to walk the Path of Aphrodite was the best thing I could do for myself, it changed my life, it has helped me to find myself and blossom again. It was not easy, there were many challenges and moments of crisis and discouragement, but I will never stop thanking myself for not giving up, because now I know who I am and where I am going , I have freed myself from many burdens and now I can dance my life in grace and beauty. Maya is a courageous and determined woman, she has been a wise guide for me, sweet, present and assertive, strong and welcoming. She is always a great example through her words and actions and a source of great inspiration. She is a wonderful teacher and is now a precious Sister. Diving into Aphrodite’s Mysteries is not simple, but it's always worth it, indulging in Her waves can be really scary, but then it becomes orgasmic and ecstatic.
Thanks Maya!
Despite being of a substantially vicious nature" my relationship with Pleasure has unfortunately always been somewhat

Controversial.. with the only one,

Remarkable, except for all the pleasures related to the throat

I cannot say exactly if this is more dependent on a family and social education tending to privilege duty, or on the fact of having grown up in hypercompetitive environments, from which I have never retreated but perhaps, not entirely appropriate to my true nature, they have contributed to creating me

Tensions, anxieties of performance and a certain lack of balance ... the whole thing clearly does not reconcile much with a healthy relationship with the


As the years go by and the arrival of maturity

The situation has fortunately improved a bit, also thanks to the Reiki practice I did a few years ago.
The journey started at the Temple of the Great Goddess is helping me to realign with the cycles of Nature, they helped to create me

Tensions, anxieties of performance and a certain lack of balance ... the whole thing clearly does not reconcile much with a healthy relationship with the


As the years go by and the arrival of maturity

The situation has fortunately improved a bit, also thanks to the Reiki practice I did a few years ago.

The path started at the Temple of the Great Goddess is helping me to realign myself with the cycles of Nature, to accept and integrate my shadow part, to try not to be overwhelmed by the daily frenzy, so as to slow down the times when necessary and to try to carve out spaces dedicated to myself and my well-being.. however, I admit that the relationship with Pleasure is still one of my weaknesses and it is certainly something on which I will still have to work a lot in my three-year path.
Dear Maya, thank you very much for guiding me on this extraordinary journey to become a Priestess of Aphrodite. You have given me the opportunity to explore many parts of myself and how these are deeply connected to Nature, therefore to Aphrodite and to the whole Cosmos, which is the Goddess herself. In particular, I loved to deepen the part relating to the relationship with pleasure and sexuality. Treating these topics in profound connection to the Goddess as part of the path has radically changed my way of considering these aspects of my life. Among your many teachings, one that has had the greatest impact on me is that we deserve happiness and pleasure by birthright and not just as a reward after fatigue and pain. You taught me that sexuality must also be lived in the way we prefer, always bearing in mind that it is a sacred moment in which an important exchange of energies and sensations takes place. I love you Maya and I respect you as a person and as a teacher and I strongly recommend this path with you as a source of continuous new ideas and reflection. Thank you, Maya, for always encouraging me in the most difficult moments, believing in me and in my possibilities.
The deep desire burning inside you is legitimate and is huring to be heard.

Change, the real one, the profound one, the one that will finally make you revolutionize your life, does not happen by miracle:

You and only you have the power and responsibility to give meaning to your life.

And once you embrace your Power, it will be a wonderful, magical, sensual and unforgettable adventure, I promise you!

So what are you waiting for?

The deep desire burning inside you is legitimate and is huring to be heard.

Change, the real one, the profound one, the one that will finally make you revolutionize your life, does not happen by miracle:

You and only you have the power and responsibility to give meaning to your life.

And once you embrace your Power, it will be a wonderful, magical, sensual and unforgettable adventure, I promise you!

So what are you waiting for?


Do you want that being a Priestess becomes your only job?

Or maybe you want to implement your business with ethic marketing strategies?


Thanks to which you will learn how to create an Irresistible Offer and how to launch it on the market.

100% replicable strategy!

Here are some of the topics we will cover:

  • How to cultivate a Mindset based on Abundance and Power
  • How to discover your true niche
  • Immersion strategy to seduce your niche
  • How to create effective social editing plans and newsletters
  • How to Create a Freebie that will Attract Customers
  • Build and nurture the relationship with your audience while growing your email list
  • How to create the strategy and funnel to launch your business
  • Your Epic Launch!

Value of this course: $ 1000

But if you sign up by the 18th of October, you’ll get it for...


  • Is the Training right for me even if I have little time?
    You can do individual and registered practices as and when you want. While the in-person and live online meetings take place at times convenient for everyone and communicated a lot in advance.

    Our desire is to make it very easy for you to participate and organize. Remember, however, that this is a time you invest in yourself and your well-being, to finally live the life you want and be able to bring joy to the people at your side too.

    We always manage to find time for a TV series or to look at the phone: try to think about what difference it would make in your life if you dedicated that 'passive' time to experiences that enrich you immensely and can bring radical changes to your work and in your private life.
  • What if I lose motivation as I move forward?
    One of the key words of this experience is community: you will experience a wonderful sense of closeness and connection that is really difficult to feel in the society in which we are immersed.

    And when you experience first-hand what it feels like to find your Soul Family - people in tune with you, capable of encouraging you and helping you shining out your talents - you will understand that you are not alone, and that there will always be a another soul ready to keep your motivation very high.

    Not to mention the power of the energy that is created during live or in-person practices: I guarantee you that you will be eager to feel those sensations as often as possible and your motivation will be constantly stimulated.

    Una delle parole chiave di questa esperienza è proprio comunità: sperimenterai un meraviglioso senso di vicinanza e connessione che è davvero difficile provare nella società in cui siamo immersi.

    E quando toccherai con mano cosa si prova a trovare la propria Famiglia dell’Anima - persone in sintonia con te, capaci di spronarti e aiutarti a far esplodere i tuoi talenti - capirai che non sei sola o solo, e che ci sarà sempre un’altra anima pronta a tenere altissima la tua motivazione.
    Senza contare la potenza dell’energia che si crea durante le pratiche in presenza: ti garantisco che non vedrai l’ora di sentire ancora quelle sensazioni.
  • What do I do if I have a limited budget?
    The installment solution is designed specifically to make the Training accessible to everyone and costs you little more than a coffee a day. Plus, if you sign up now, you can take advantage of an extraordinary Super Discount. Moreover, if you feel really ready to make this amazing shift in your life, we trust that you will find a way to join.
  • Is the Training open to everyone?
    Yes, people of all genders are welcome!
  • Do the three years of the Program have to be consecutive?
    No, registration takes place year by year and you can choose when to continue according to your needs.
  • Will I receive a certificate at the end of the first year of Training?
    Yes, you will receive a certificate for each year successfully completed.
  • Are the meetings recorded?
    The meetings are recorded, but being live is highly recommended.
  • What happens if I can't make it to a class?
    The Path has been specifically designed and is made up of consecutive phases, each essential for the transformation process.

    It is very important, given the preciousness of the Training and the commitment to serve the Goddess and her Community, to participate in all the scheduled meetings.

    The meetings are the ones online, live, and the Kepoi of Aphrodite, in-person, in Rome: it is not possibile to miss both live online meeting and Kepoi, at least one of the two (preferably both) need to be attended.
  • Is this a psychotherapy process?
    No, this is not a psychological/psychotherapeutic process or counseling. It is an initiatory journey aimed at personal Empowerment and service to the Goddess and her Community.
  • Is privacy protected?
    Yes, all participants and the teacher are required to respect the confidentiality and privacy of personal information shared within the Circle.
  • At the end of the training, will I be able to train other Priests and Priestesses of the Goddess?
    When you complete the three-year training you will have the necessary competence to work as "Priestess of the Sea and Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality"© through Ceremonies and Individual sessions. This path, however, does NOT enable you to train other people as Priestesses of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality. You are of course incouraged to carry out your own researches on the Goddesses of your Land and create your own dedicated Temple as Daughter of the Rome Aphrodite Temple.