Freee Workshop




Freee Workshop



Do you ever find yourself staring at your workstation or the line of people in front of you at the post office and wondering:

Is that all here?

Maybe you looked for the answer in religion, in Yoga, in success, in hard work… …

But you feel that there is a veil over your eyes that prevents you from finding the Answer you seek.

Do you ever feel that most of the people around you have nothing in common with you?

And how many times do you feel trapped in a routine of pressure from society to always perform at your best, manage a thousand commitments and live with stress every single day...

Is that all here?

Life was given to you for a very specific reason and only by pursuing what is your true Life Purpose - in communion with the people around you – you will be able to find that sense of Peace, Joy and Fullness that truly makes you wake up happy in the morning.

No, it's not a sort of utopia or an imaginary world.

Life was given to you for a very specific reason and only by pursuing what is your true Life Purpose - in communion with the people around you – you will be able to find that sense of Peace, Joy and Fullness that truly makes you wake up happy in the morning.

No, it's not a sort of utopia or an imaginary world.

And yes, I have experienced it firsthand, in the same way as hundreds of other people of all genders and ages throughout Italy and the world that have chosen to follow my teachings.
I’ve experienced different spiritual traditions and energetic techniques and researched for more than 12 years on the Great Goddess Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality.

And I will talk about all this and much more during the Online Free Workshop

And yes, I have experienced it firsthand, in the same way as hundreds of other people of all genders and ages throughout Italy and the world that have chosen to follow my teachings.
I’ve experienced different spiritual traditions and energetic techniques and researched for more than 12 years on the Great Goddess Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality.

And I will talk about all this and much more during the Online Free Workshop

"Become a Priest-ess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality"

Sign up now and discover what it means to become a Priest-ess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality, allowing yourself to find meaning and live an Ecstatic Life full of Pleasure, Health and Wealth.

You can participate from the comfort of your home. 100% free.

Sign up now and discover what it means to become a Priest-ess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality, allowing yourself to find meaning and live an Ecstatic Life full of Pleasure, Health and Wealth.

You can participate from the comfort of your home. 100% free.


  • Escape from the trap of Performance at all costs and exhausting Stress, to start a life rooted in Beauty and Pleasure thanks to Aphroditic practices
  • Stop living a conflictual relationship with your body and your sensuality, to experience the incredible dimension of Sacred Sexuality, enjoying Ecstasy by yourself and/or with your partner
  • Transitioning from a job you're not passionate about to being a Priestess or a Priest of Aphrodite (you can bring this knowledge into your actual job, merging them, or totally embracing being a Priest-ess as your full-time job/mission)
  • Stop trying unsuccessfully to change, starting to adopt a new and healthier philosophy of life in a practical and tangible way
  • Make this new path really effective by acknowledging why previous paths didn't work
  • Bring the Sacred Sexuality into your life, because it is your fundamental Right
  • Abandon the internal conflict between Science/Rationality and Spirituality/Emotions, finally finding the balance between 'rationality and desire'
  • Discover your Dharma, your Soul Purpose, stopping feeling lost and without a purpose, because with this Workshop you will deeply know what your pleasure and your authentic desires are
  • Experience Aphrodite’s Alchemic Presence and Power within your body

And at the end a magnificent SURPRISE awaits you

  • Escape from the trap of Performance at all costs and exhausting Stress, to start a life rooted in Beauty and Pleasure thanks to Aphroditic practices
  • Stop living a conflictual relationship with your body and your sensuality, to experience the incredible dimension of Sacred Sexuality, enjoying Ecstasy by yourself and/or with your partner
  • Transitioning from a job you're not passionate about to being a Priestess or a Priest of Aphrodite (you can bring this knowledge into your actual job, merging them, or totally embracing being a Priest-ess as your full-time job/mission)
  • Stop trying unsuccessfully to change, starting to adopt a new and healthier philosophy of life in a practical and tangible way
  • Make this new path really effective by acknowledging why previous paths didn't work
  • Bring the Sacred Sexuality into your life, because it is your fundamental Right
  • Abandon the internal conflict between Science/Rationality and Spirituality/Emotions, finally finding the balance between 'rationality and desire'
  • Discover your Dharma, your Soul Purpose, stopping feeling lost and without a purpose, because with this Workshop you will deeply know what your pleasure and your authentic desires are
  • Experience Aphrodite’s Alchemic Presence and Power within your body

And at the end a magnificent SURPRISE awaits you

The training "Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality" is a wonderful, empowering, intense and decidedly amazingly transformative journey. It wasn't easy, there were many challenges and moments of crisis and discouragement, but I will never stop thanking myself for not giving up, because now I know who I am and where I'm going. I freed myself from many burdens and now I can dance my life in grace and beauty. Maya is a courageous and determined woman, she was a wise, sweet, present and powerful guide for me, both assertive and welcoming. She was and still is, a great example, through her words and her actions, she is a source of great inspiration. Maya is a wonderful teacher and now she is a precious Sister.
Thank you Maya!
Artist, Holistic Operator
A journey that certainly changed my life. This Training made me strip away old prejudices, brought me to know the thousand faces of the Goddess, of nature, of woman, of me! A magical path that connects with the most ancient and authentic teachings and which made me discover beautiful women! Thank you, Maya, because you are a wonderful guide and you encourage us while maintaining your center. You supported us in the most difficult moments! Because taking off the clothes others sewed on us can be painful, but then… it gives us freedom and love!!!!❤️
Meeting Maya meant meeting my destiny. A calling that comes from many lifes ago, an echo from centuries ago. I learnt, walking by her sideand thanks to her teachings, that the body holds memories in the blood and bones, I learnt to respect and honour it as my Sacred Templ, a living altar breathing in love. Only through our body we can experience the Divine, it’ll feel and receive the teachings only once we feel within usi t is a living and breathing Temple. Thanks to Maya I discovered my profound ability to healp and heal myself and others through body and pleasure. Being a Priestess is being a Worlds’ Traveller, opening the paths for other people so they too can remember their truth. This is what Maya taught me: to walk the path of beauty, guided by the wisdom of memories and chants of our Ancestors.
Training with Maya is helping me to realign with the cycles of Nature. I started this journey with lots of tensions, anxieties about performance and a certain lack of balance… I was very far from a healthy relationship with Pleasure.. I admit, however, that the relationship with Pleasure is still one of my weak points and it is certainly something I will still have to work on a lot in my three-years journey, but I can finally see the light now, I am changing with incredible results and I trust the process, cause so many things already changed beautifully, walking the Path of Aphrodite.

  • You are looking for discovering your Dharma, your Life Purpose
  • You don’t believe in an exclusively rational and scientific approach, instead you believe in beauty, art and poetry as nourishments for your Soul
  • You feel not resonating with the Performance Society
  • You don’t want just to learn how to manage stress, you want to live in an Aphroditic World based on Sacred Pleasure
  • You are done with the sense of helplessness this society wants you to experience, instead, you want to be Empowered
  • You want to restore a profound connection with your body, with the Earth and its cycles and with the Sacred and Magical Dimension of Existence.
  • You know within that Heaven can be a Place on Earth and want to live your life according to this Mantra.
  • You are looking for discovering your Dharma, your Life Purpose
  • You don’t believe in an exclusively rational and scientific approach, instead you believe in beauty, art and poetry as nourishments for your Soul
  • You feel not resonating with the Performance Society
  • You don’t want just to learn how to manage stress, you want to live in an Aphroditic World based on Sacred Pleasure
  • You are done with the sense of helplessness this society wants you to experience, instead, you want to be Empowered
  • You want to restore a profound connection with your body, with the Earth and its cycles and with the Sacred and Magical Dimension of Existence.
  • You know within that Heaven can be a Place on Earth and want to live your life according to this Mantra.

This workshop can also be useful for all the people with whom you feel a deep connection and who, just like you, are not satisfied with surviving but really want to THRIVE.

I am Maya Vassallo Di Florio, International teacher of Spiritual and Personal Growth!
I collaborate with La Sapienza University and my work has been cited by the University of Turin, John Cabot University and Oxford University.

I am Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality.

I guide hundreds of people every year along spiritual and personal growth courses, and I support them in the process of healing their wounds through Sacred Sexuality and Aphroditic Philosophy and Spirituality I theorized.

I help women and men to regain a harmonious relationship with their Body, their Essence and their Power.

I am the founder of the Goddess Temple of Rome, the first Italian modern Goddess Temple, which is an International Community, Academy and Spiritual/Archaeomythological Research Center.

The Path of Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality was a journey within myself, within my own depths which lead to contact my emotional discomforts and long-hidden wounds. A journey in which I discovered the majesty of the Goddess and her thousand aspects, which at the beginning may seem like pure theory or “just spirituality” but which indeed is something I started experiencing in every gesture of my daily life. Learning to ride the waves, experiencing in awareness every turn of the wheel, every energetic and seasonal change, has been essential to learning to enjoy all the different moments that life takes us through, to rediscover the relationship with the Magic of the natural Elements and within ourselves. During this 3-year journey I experienced intense moments of adventure and always, with love, patience, reassuring calm and intelligence, I was accompanied by Maya who is a teacher, a Sister, a friend and an ally. During the journey I was able to safely share everything I felt and experienced. The Circle of beautiful Souls that was created thanks also to Maya’s presence is still of great support today and we keep being dear friends over years. I feel incredibly grateful and honored to have walked and continue to walk Aphrodite’s path.
This path transformed me and alchemized an internal work that began several years ago. This Training changes your life, but it is not a simple course as many of the ones you find around, it’s Really Life-Changing and requires commitment, devotion, courage, consistence, honesty and integrity.
Because you don't DO the Priestess just as a job, it’s not a hat you wear and dismiss: choosing to walk this path you affirm you ARE a Priestess, always, in every moment of your life, even when doing shopping or cleaning the house. The Priestess shines like a radiant star and makes her life a prayer of love, her home a Sacred Space and her body a Temple, she spreads seeds of art, beauty, awareness and grace around her. This path is a Way of healing and transformation, a Way of Care, Pleasure and Joy, a Way that will shape you, teach you to dive into the dark abyss to find your pearl, soften the edges of your heart, radiate Her ecstatic love all around the world.
Coming to the Goddess Temple of Rome has been such a powerful experience! It was magical and special, relaxing, regenerating, rich in gifts, a real Empowerment. The Temple is a place between the Worlds. Maya is an excellent guide, a free spirit who strongly believes in the Aphroditic Values, a fantastic person that cares about other people.
Reading Maya’s teachings and experiencing the Sacred Practices I everytime feel deeply moved by the beauty of this Mystery Training and Aphroditic Philosophy and Spirituality she founded.The beauty of discovering the magic and sacredness in every little thing I do, through art, playing, kitchen magic. I only have one word for all that: MARVELLOUS! I am everyday happier and happier to be following Maya’s footsteps, she created an incredible, life-changing body of work, with super effective ecstatic practices. I admire and love Maya very much: she’s Aphrodite’s Greatest Priestess of this millennium.

Sign up now to discover what it means to be a Priest-ess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality and why it will allow you to embrace your Dharma, your Soul Purpose, living a life rich in Pleasure.

You can join the Workshop from the comfort of your home. 100% free.


Sign up now to discover what it means to be a Priest-ess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality and why it will allow you to embrace your Dharma, your Soul Purpose, living a life rich in Pleasure.

You can join the Workshop from the comfort of your home. 100% free.