Freee Webinar

Become a Yoni Egg and Sacred Sexuality Coach

Discover more about the First World’s Training

to help women Unleash their Sexuality

thanks to the Yoni Eggs Technology Method


Freee Webinar

Become a Yoni Egg and Sacred Sexuality Coach

Discover more about the First World’s Training

to help women Unleash their Sexuality

thanks to the Yoni Eggs Technology Method

More and more women today are looking for well trained women to guide them as professionals in the Awakening of their Sexuality.

More and more women are looking to do this with the magical and fascinating tool of the Yoni Eggs and Crystal Wands, crystal tools to insert in the Vagina in order to Disarmour and Open her up to the Pleasure and Stellar Orgasms we all deserve as a Birth Right.

Why? How many times have you heard about Blocked Feminine Sexuality?
The Truth is that still many women live with a terrible block of Pleasure, at the level of perceiveing pain during sexual intercourse.
Some women, after giving birth, begin to experience difficulty in having orgasms and this change destabilizes them, making them close to the healing opportunities of sex, to the point they feel pain during penetration.

Others are in menopause and this often means hormonal changes, vaginal dryness, tiredness and insecurity, born from a devaluing cultural vision of menopausal women, which lead to challenges in the relationship with their partner and profound discomfort in sexual intercourse.

Some women, after giving birth, begin to experience difficulty in having orgasms and this change destabilizes them, making them close to the healing opportunities of sex, to the point they feel pain during penetration.

Others are in menopause and this often means hormonal changes, vaginal dryness, tiredness and insecurity, born from a devaluing cultural vision of menopausal women, which lead to challenges in the relationship with their partner and profound discomfort in sexual intercourse.

Other women have been abused, others see sex as a sacrifice to do for keeping their partner.
They do it out of duty or out of fear of losing love, often praying it will end soon.

Not to mention that we are immersed in what – for a good reason- is called the performance society.
Women day is made up of thousands of “I must”- and we oscillate between inadequacy, guilt, blockages... but also we have a primordial desire that dwells deep inside us: that of freeing our Wild Pleasure from within.

Other women have been abused, others see sex as a sacrifice to do for keeping their partner.
They do it out of duty or out of fear of losing love, often praying it will end soon.

Not to mention that we are immersed in what – for a good reason- is called the performance society.
Women day is made up of thousands of “I must”- and we oscillate between inadequacy, guilt, blockages... but also we have a primordial desire that dwells deep inside us: that of freeing our Wild Pleasure from within.

Because when a woman's sexuality is blocked, not only she experiences a death of her senses - of Sensuality and "Sensoriality" - but also an inner death.

And this reverberates negatively on every field of a woman’s life: physical energy, enthousiasm, levels of optimism, hormons (and therefore menstruations, character, choices, way of seeing life), relationships (with the partner, friends, children, boss), job and financial fields.

The reason is that: our Sexual Energy is our Vital Energy!

That’s why more and more women are looking for other women professionals that facilitate for them this journey of Sexual Awakening.

Sign up now to my Free Webinar to discover what it means to Become a Yoni Egg and Sacred Sexuality Coach. And find out how the Yoni Eggs Technology Method can really guide you helping women increasing their self-esteem and cultivating their well-being at 360°. You can participate from the comfort of your home. 100% free!

Free Webinar Happening on the 22nd of August h: 8 pm (your time zone)
Sign up now to my Free Webinar to discover what it means to Become a Yoni Egg and Sacred Sexuality Coach. And find out how the Yoni Eggs Technology Method can really guide you helping women increasing their self-esteem and cultivating their well-being at 360°. You can participate from the comfort of your home. 100% free!

Free Webinar Happening on the 22nd of August h: 8 pm (your time zone)

  • what limiting beliefs are the basis of women’s blocked sexuality
  • how the common narrative of Pleasure works underneath to make women feel inadequate
  • what are Yoni Eggs & Wands
  • how the Yoni Eggs Technology Method can lead you to be the best Sex Coach
  • how you can help other women (and also yourself!) healing through a Tested, Reliable and Structured Method, which is unique worldwide

And in the end… a wonderful Surprise awaits you!

This workshop is for you if you want to…

  • what limiting beliefs are the basis of women’s blocked sexuality
  • how the common narrative of Pleasure works underneath to make women feel inadequate
  • what are Yoni Eggs & Wands
  • how the Yoni Eggs Technology Method can lead you to be the best Sex Coach
  • how you can help other women (and also yourself!) healing through a Tested, Reliable and Structured Method, which is unique worldwide

And in the end… a wonderful Surprise awaits you!

This workshop is for you if you want to…

  • Distinguish yourself in the market as a Women’s & Sex Coach
  • Learn about the first and only one Method in the world to teach how to use Yoni Eggs and Wands in an advanced and safe way
  • Help women restore their sexuality and wounded heart
  • Guide women in healing the relationship with their body and their partner
  • Learn and teach how to live in Pleasure and Ecstasy
  • Distinguish yourself in the market as a Women’s & Sex Coach
  • Learn about the first and only one Method in the world to teach how to use Yoni Eggs and Wands in an advanced and safe way
  • Help women restore their sexuality and wounded heart
  • Guide women in healing the relationship with their body and their partner
  • Learn and teach how to live in Pleasure and Ecstasy

So, if you are a psychologist, doula, midwife, Yoga, Tantra or Dance teacher, holistic mentor etc. and you wish to help other women to find the path of pleasure and ecstatic sexuality, through the first world’s Method based on the real, revolutionary and advanced use of Yoni Eggs and Wands
So, if you are a psychologist, doula, midwife, Yoga, Tantra or Dance teacher, holistic mentor etc. and you wish to help other women to find the path of pleasure and ecstatic sexuality, through the first world’s Method based on the real, revolutionary and advanced use of Yoni Eggs and Wands
I am Maya Vassallo di Florio, International teacher of Spiritual and Self Development!
I've a collaboration with the University La Sapienza and also I was cited by the best Universities of the world!

I am also Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality and founder of the first Italian Goddess Temple, dedicated to Aphrodite and sited in Rome. I guide hundreds of people from all over the world every year, along paths of spiritual and personal growth, supporting them in the process of healing their wounds. I work on blocked female sexuality and help women regain a harmonious relationship with their own body and essence, experiencing an ecstatic life

Register now to Discover the Secrets of a Yoni Egg and Sacred Sexuality Coach,
to Become the Sex Coach all women will look for, thanks to the Yoni Eggs Technology Method!
You can participate in the workshop from the comfort of your home. 100% free.

Register now to Discover the Secrets of a Yoni Egg and Sacred Sexuality Coach,
to Become the Sex Coach all women will look for, thanks to the Yoni Eggs Technology Method!
You can participate in the workshop from the comfort of your home. 100% free.