By taking this amazing Training, the first and only one in the whole world, you’ll be able to:
Because their Se&ual Power, which is Vital Energy, is locked.
There is of course a cultural reason for that.
What are Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands? Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands are crystal eggs you can insert into your va9ina to rediscover pleasure and psychophysical harmony, giving you the keys to access the Mysteries of Sacred Se&uality and Ecstasy. Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands have very ancient origins: in imperial China the empress and her concubines used them to experience more intense pleasure, for their se&ual health and also to increase the emperor's pleasure during intercourse. The material with which they are made, i.e. crystals, gives them incredible power: in fact, crystals are the oldest creatures on the planet, they retain a thousand-year-old memory and are transmitters of energy (it is no coincidence that we also use them in electronic devices!). |
Sex Coach Training is for you if:
You are a doula or a midwife, you work with mothers and you want to help women recover their pelvic floor, and find a jiucy Sexuality and Self-Love again
Sex Coach Training is for you even to enjoy it for yourself, because while you learn how to become the best Coach every woman will want,
you too will:
Sex Coach Training is for you if:
You are a doula or a midwife, you work with mothers and you want to help women recover their pelvic floor, and find a jiucy Sexuality and Self-Love again
Sex Coach Training is for you even to enjoy it for yourself, because while you learn how to become the best Coach every woman will want,
you too will:
it is an investment in your future, to become the Yoni Egg ans Sex Coach every woman will want!
All this while you set your wild Sexual Pleasure free and Heal the wounds of the Heart once and for all, embrace your natural Femininity and Sensuality and Love yourself like never before.
Never a Training has been so Pleasurable!
Never a Job has been so Enjoyable!
it is an investment in your future, to become the Yoni Egg ans Sex Coach every woman will want!
All this while you set your wild Sexual Pleasure free and Heal the wounds of the Heart once and for all, embrace your natural Femininity and Sensuality and Love yourself like never before.
Never a Training has been so Pleasurable!
Never a Job has been so Enjoyable!
TOTAL: €310 Gift Value + €4124 Course Value = €4434
But read on, because you will not pay this amount…
Do you want to take an even bigger step? 🌹
Do you want to take an even bigger step? 🌹
🎥 An intensive video course that includes a 4-hour live question and answer session with Maya Vassallo Di Florio and her team.
🎥 An intensive video course that includes a 4-hour live question and answer session with Maya Vassallo Di Florio and her team.
I am so sure of the value of this Training that, in addition to the Feedbacks of women who have already done it, I would like to offer you an additional Guarantee:
100% Money Back Guarantee
Within 15 days of enrollment, you can request a refund for the course. In short, it is a unique, precious and extremely valuable opportunity. It's really time for you to blossom and shine!