Sex Coach Training
Become a Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands Sex Coach and help women unleash their wild Pleasure… while you expand yours!
Sex Coach Training
Become a Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands Sex Coach and help women unleash their wild Pleasure… while you expand yours!
This is incredible!

Making your Pleasure be your Job!

And it’s True!

By taking this amazing Training, the first and only one in the whole world, you’ll be able to:

  • Guide other women into the safe and effective use of Yoni Eggs, Wands and Lingams
  • Help them free their wild Sensuality and Se&uality and bloom in their vital force
  • Shine among competitors and thrive in abundance for being the Coach all women will want
  • Experience yourself the most ecstatic and epic se& of your life through the practices you’ll learn and teach
Yes, I know the story!
Years and years of Patriarchy have led women to live disconnected from their bodies – alternating a desperate search for perfection with feeling guilty for their natural desires.

But there is more.
This type of society has brought about a real blockage of sexuality for all women, who live every day with deep se&ual and relational wounds, who struggle to cultivate self-esteem and take care of themselves deeply, not to mention the disasters in their couple intimacy and at work and in all the areas of life in which they are constantly living in a state of depletion.

Guess why?

Because their Se&ual Power, which is Vital Energy, is locked.

  • Locked in lack of orgasms,
  • Locked in numb Vaginas,
  • Locked in guilt and shame around feeling pleasure in every area,
  • Locked in not feeling good enough, beautiful enough or worth enough,
  • Locked in chronically low energy levels,
  • Locked in low drive,
  • Locked in feelings of neediness that nothing seems to cure.

There is of course a cultural reason for that.

But there’s a Good News!
Women’s awareness of their se&ual wounds is luckily increasing more and more and a larger number of them are looking for Certified women’s Coaches to guide them in the marvellous journey of Ecstatic Se&uality.

It is amazing to see, also, how an encreasing numer of women are willing to unleash their sensuality and se&uality through the use of Yoni Eggs combined with Sacred Se&uality Practices.

This is also due to the huge popularity of Yoni Eggs, since the famous actress Gwyneth Paltrow often talks about their miraculous effects.
However, if we just insert a Yoni Egg in, it’s not enough if there is no Method, indeed it can be even dangerous to use yoni eggs without a guide.
And that’s why I Created the

le Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands
The first worldly Method to help women safely experience the oceanic pleasure and self-love they all need as a birthright.

But let’s take a step backwards:

What are Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands?

Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands are crystal eggs you can insert into your va9ina to rediscover pleasure and psychophysical harmony, giving you the keys to access the Mysteries of Sacred Se&uality and Ecstasy.

Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands have very ancient origins: in imperial China the empress and her concubines used them to experience more intense pleasure, for their se&ual health and also to increase the emperor's pleasure during intercourse.

The material with which they are made, i.e. crystals, gives them incredible power: in fact, crystals are the oldest creatures on the planet, they retain a thousand-year-old memory and are transmitters of energy (it is no coincidence that we also use them in electronic devices!).

Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands Teacher Training is the only Training in the world to become a Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands and Sex Coach.
An Excellent Training to become qualified in the Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands Technology (YET) Method, that I have created and perfected over the years of training and teaching.

YEWTT is a 6-months intensive training, thanks to which you will be perfectly trained to help all women who need to use this Method and, trust me… all women need it!

Here are its portentous Effects:

⭐️Tones and strengthens the pelvic muscle
⭐️Stimulates natural lubrication
⭐️Stimulates sexual energy
⭐️Amplifies sexual pleasure
⭐️Reduces incontinence Increases fertility
⭐️Strengthen your abdominal muscles
⭐️Stimulates blood circulation
⭐️Helps overcome past traumas
⭐️Helps post-surgery recovery
⭐️Helps connect with personal Shakti power
⭐️Awakens hidden energies and talents
⭐️Regulates the menstrual cycle
⭐️Relieves menstrual pain
⭐️Promotes the return of the menstrual cycle in case of amenorrhea
⭐️Relieves neck pain and headaches
⭐️Facilitates the transition to menopause
⭐️Balances hormones

⭐️Tones and strengthens the pelvic muscle
⭐️Stimulates natural lubrication
⭐️Stimulates sexual energy
⭐️Amplifies sexual pleasure
⭐️Reduces incontinence Increases fertility
⭐️Strengthen your abdominal muscles
⭐️Stimulates blood circulation
⭐️Helps overcome past traumas
⭐️Helps post-surgery recovery
⭐️Helps connect with personal Shakti power
⭐️Awakens hidden energies and talents
⭐️Regulates the menstrual cycle
⭐️Relieves menstrual pain
⭐️Promotes the return of the menstrual cycle in case of amenorrhea
⭐️Relieves neck pain and headaches
⭐️Facilitates the transition to menopause
⭐️Balances hormones

⭐️Prevents diseases of the female reproductive system
⭐️Prevents episiotomy and aids post episiotomy recovery
⭐️Helps in preparation for childbirth and postpartum recovery
⭐️Facilitates and amplifies orgasm
⭐️Improves the feeling of emotional well-being
⭐️Removes energy blocks and traumas
⭐️Rebalances energies
⭐️Increases self-love, self-awareness and confidence
⭐️Increase creativity
⭐️Increase concentration, focus on your dreams and goals and efficiency
⭐️Strengthens and makes you more energetic
⭐️Prevents diseases of the female reproductive system
⭐️Prevents episiotomy and aids post episiotomy recovery
⭐️Helps in preparation for childbirth and postpartum recovery
⭐️Facilitates and amplifies orgasm
⭐️Improves the feeling of emotional well-being
⭐️Removes energy blocks and traumas
⭐️Rebalances energies
⭐️Increases self-love, self-awareness and confidence
⭐️Increase creativity
⭐️Increase concentration, focus on your dreams and goals and efficiency
⭐️Strengthens and makes you more energetic

Sounds Amazing? It is!

Thanks to this Training you will be the first to experience the miracles of the YEWTT Method, creating a completely new relationship with pleasure (in se& and in every other area of your life) and epic changes in every dimetion of you life.
Thanks to this Training you will be the first to experience the miracles of the YEWTT Method, creating a completely new relationship with pleasure (in se& and in every other area of your life) and epic changes in every dimetion of you life.
I've a collaboration with the University La Sapienza and also I was cited by the best Universities of the world!

I am also Priestess of Aphrodite and Sacred Sexuality and founder of the first Italian Goddess Temple, dedicated to Aphrodite and sited in Rome. I guide hundreds of people from all over the world every year, along paths of spiritual and personal growth, supporting them in the process of healing their wounds. I work on blocked female sexuality and help women regain a harmonious relationship with their own body and essence, experiencing an ecstatic life
YEWTT is for you if:

  • Your job is a helping profession and you want to specialize into Yoni Egg and Sex Coaching, emerging among competitors
  • You want to offer something (Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands & Sex Coaching) that responds to an ever-increasing demand (and need) from the female public
  • You are fascinated by Yoni Eggs and Wands Technology and are looking for the best Training which is valuable and tested over the years
  • You are a doula or a midwife, you work with mothers and you want to help women recover their pelvic floor, and find a jiucy Sexuality and Self-Love again
  • You work with Holistic and Alternative Medicine and you want to deepen, broaden and professionalize your training by dedicating yourself to this discipline
  • You are a Psychologist, a Yoga teacher, a Naturopath, a Tantra or Bellydance teacher or a Crystal Therapist and you would like to add the Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands Technology Method to your work
YEWTT is for you even to enjoy it for yourself, because while you learn how to become the best Coach every woman will want, you too will:

  • Unleash your Wild Sexuality
  • Heal the wounds of your Heart
  • Increase Self-Confidence
  • Reconnect with your Body
  • Awaken intimacy and complicity in the couple
  • Say goodbye to uterine and vaginal pains with psychosomatic causes
  • Rediscover health and psycho-physical well-being
I mean, take a look at how wonderfully life changed for to these sparkling women who took the Italian edition of the Training!
  • Marzia Giraldo
    Artist, Holistic Teacher and Healer
    “The right word is just SHINING!!! There's a different light around me, inside me, a light that comes from deep inside and that for too long has been hidden, out of fear, prejudice and judging myself until I felt bad and inadequate. Now the light has come out, now I am that light, a guide for myself, first of all, but also for all women in general.”

  • Chiara Malvestiti
    Soprano, Vocal Coach and Priestess
    My sex drive has increased, so has my pursuit of pleasure, beauty and healing in every aspect of my life. The choice of the Crystal is very important, so it’s fundamental being guided by a professional like Maya, because I can assure you that what will move inside you will be impetuous and highly transformative. I am no longer the same woman who started the journey. Not only physically, cause I am more toned, more in harmony with my body, but above all on an emotional level. I am much more self-confident, I trust who I am, I trust the amazing woman which is me. And I feel more sexual energy and much more pleasure in love making.”

    By the way, after the Training Chiara also found the love of her life and her carreer successfully exploded!

I mean, take a look at how wonderfully life changed for to these sparkling women who took the Italian edition of the Training!
Marzia Giraldo
Artist, Holistic Teacher and Healer
“The right word is just SHINING!!! There's a different light around me, inside me, a light that comes from deep inside and that for too long has been hidden, out of fear, prejudice and judging myself until I felt bad and inadequate. Now the light has come out, now I am that light, a guide for myself, first of all, but also for all women in general.”
Chiara Malvestiti
Soprano, Vocal Coach and Priestess
My sex drive has increased, so has my pursuit of pleasure, beauty and healing in every aspect of my life. The choice of the Crystal is very important, so it’s fundamental being guided by a professional like Maya, because I can assure you that what will move inside you will be impetuous and highly transformative. I am no longer the same woman who started the journey. Not only physically, cause I am more toned, more in harmony with my body, but above all on an emotional level. I am much more self-confident, I trust who I am, I trust the amazing woman which is me. And I feel more sexual energy and much more pleasure in love making.

By the way, after the Training Chiara also found the love of her life and her carreer successfully exploded!
YEWTT is much more than just a course:

it is an investment in your future, to become the Yoni Egg ans Sex Coach every woman will want!

All this while you set your wild Sexual Pleasure free and Heal the wounds of the Heart once and for all, embrace your natural Femininity and Sensuality and Love yourself like never before.

Never a Training has been so Pleasurable!

Never a Job has been so Enjoyable!

YEWTT is much more than just a course:

it is an investment in your future, to become the Yoni Egg ans Sex Coach every woman will want!

All this while you set your wild Sexual Pleasure free and Heal the wounds of the Heart once and for all, embrace your natural Femininity and Sensuality and Love yourself like never before.

Never a Training has been so Pleasurable!

Never a Job has been so Enjoyable!

Of all the women that took this Training
  • 100%
    would recommend YEWTT Method and the Training to their friends
  • 99.2%
    started thriving as a women’s coach
  • 99.6%
    experienced better connection with their body
  • 99.3%
    experienced more self-love
  • 82%
    had epic orgasms
  • 96%
    felt sexier
Of all the women that took this Training
would recommend YEWTT Method and the Training to their friends
started thriving as a women’s coach
experienced better connection with their body
experienced more self-love
had epic orgasms
felt sexier


YEWTT is made up of 22 recorded video lessons, each one comfortably divided into micro-topics, so attending every lesson will be simple, immediate and divisible.

Every week an intensive LIVE of Coaching & Q&A with Maya, for 6 months:
Discover the live calendar (coming soon)
Assistance and Tutoring via email and via Facebook group for a whole year
Life-time Membership to the Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands Sisters community
Recorded Lives available life-time
if you can't attend live, just know they will be recorded and you can ask your questions in advance so they will be answered!
Worksheets for each lesson
Final exam with study case presentation with Maya
Diploma as a "Yoni Eggs & Yoni Wands & Sex Coach" specialized in the "Yoni Eggs Technology Method" by Maya Vassallo Di Florio
Opportunity to make it as your job, helping other women to awaken their sexuality, through the use of this amazingTechnology
The value of this course, which is unique and complete throughout the world, is €4124

(but wait, because that's not the amount I reserved for you…)

In addition to that, I have decided to gift you with other precious contents:

  • Bonus A rose quartz egg in an elegant box, perfumed with rose petals. Value €30
  • Bonus Ecstasy Guided Practice with the Aphroditic Touch of the Rose. Value €30
  • Bonus Live as an embodied Aphrodite – Guide to the Aphroditic Daily Routine. Value €30
  • Bonus Restore your Fiery Energy with the Breath of Fire Video. Value €15
  • Bonus Make Menopause your Super-Power. Value €15
  • Bonus Unleash your Se&uality - 1 individual session with Maya. Value €120

TOTAL: €240 Gift Value + €2000 Course Value = €4364

But read on, because you will not pay this amount…

As an exception, I have chosen to make this training more easily accessible to all women who are strongly motivated to make a difference, by offering it at a super discounted cost!


Open your eyes wide and read carefully, because I'm about to give you the opportunity to have access to even more precious and exclusiveBonuses…
If you are among the top 10 people really motivated to change their life and become the best women’s coaches…
This year I offer the possibility to join the:

Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands& Sex Coach Training Program – Advanced!


In addition to the Yoni Egg Teacher Training course and all of the Gifts, you will have the opportunity to participate in the

Exclusive Advanced Online Workshop


Thanks to which you will learn how to create an Irresistible Offer and how to launch it on the market.

100% replicable strategy!

Here are some of the topics we will cover:

  • How to cultivate a Mindset based on Abundance and Power
  • How to discover your true niche
  • Immersion strategy to seduce your niche
  • How to create effective social editing plans and newsletters
  • How to Create a Freebie That Will Attract Customers
  • Build the relationship with your audience while growing your email list
  • How to create the process and funnel to launch your business
  • Your Epic Launch!

Value of this course:500 €

But if you subscribe now, for you it’ll be FREE!
But if you subscribe now, for you it’ll be FREE!
Thanks to this course you’ll be able to develop Step by Step your pathway to be chosen among competitors and to thrive in abundance as a Yoni Egg & Sacred Se&uality Coach!

Will you be one of the 10 Shining women to take this opportunity?
Thanks to this course you’ll be able to develop Step by Step your pathway to be chosen among competitors and to thrive in abundance as a Yoni Egg & Sacred Se&uality Coach!

Will you be one of the 10 Shining women to take this opportunity?
You can change your life and that of all the women who will meet your path, choosing between:
  • The whole Training +
  • 6 Bonuses +
  • Value 4124€
  • But you will pay only 1297 €
  • ONE time payment of 1297 €
  • ⏰But only if you are among the first 10 Bright Women to Subscribe!
  • You can save your spot in this marvelous Advanced Training by paying now 1297 €

€ 1297

  • The whole Training +
  • 6 Bonuses +
  • Value 4124€
  • But you will pay only 1602 €
  • 6 monthly payments of 267 €
  • ⏰But only if you are among the first 10 Bright Women to Subscribe!
  • You can save your spot in this marvelous Advanced Training by paying now 267 €

€ 267 / month
You can change your life and that of all the women who will meet your path, choosing between:
  • The whole Training +
  • 6 Bonuses +
  • Value 4124€
  • But you will pay only 1297 €
  • ONE time payments of 1297 €
  • ⏰But only if you are among the first 10 Bright Women to Subscribe!
  • You can save your spot in this marvelous Advanced Training by paying now 1297 €

€ 1297

  • The whole Training +
  • 6 Bonuses +
  • Value 4124€
  • But you will pay only 1602 €
  • 6 monthly payments of 267 €
  • ⏰But only if you are among the first 10 Bright Women to Subscribe!
  • You can save your spot in this marvelous Advanced Training by paying now 267 €

€ 267 / month

So, to recap:

price is only 267 € / month for only 6 months if you subscribe by the 29st of May.

After the August 29st the Super Offering will end and the Yoni Egg Teacher Training will return to its effective value.

Moreover, if you subscribe NOW, at the same Discounted Price, you’ll have access to the whole Training, to the many Bonuses and to the Exclusive Advanced Online Workshop


So don’t wait and seize the opportunity!
So don’t wait and seize the opportunity!
Yoni Eggs have become extremely popular in recent years and more and more women are asking to be guided in their conscious use.

Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands& Sex Coach Training is the greatest investment in your sexual energetic wealth and well-being.

It moves me every year to see the revolution it generates in the students who decide to take this path and change their own lives and those of other women.
It moves me every year to see the revolution it generates in the students who decide to take this path and change their own lives and those of other women.

As in Federica Zamprogna’s case, a former lawyer, now a holistic healer and custodian of a beautiful holistic centre, who writes:
  • Federica Zamprogna
    Holistic Operator
    "Pleasure in sexuality, in tasting food, in listening to a song, in looking at a flower, in playing with my daughter, in taking up space and time on my own, in dedicating myself to creativity...Pleasure has has now deeper connotations in my life. It manifests in many forms and I let myself be surprised and even ravished by it. I have often run away from pleasure because I had mental patterns of suffering and so I was not able to feel it even in small things. Now it is no more so...Pleasure for me now is closely connected to Gratitude, the more I feel pleasure and the more I thank and the more I thank and the more I feel pleasure".
  • Federica Zamprogna
    Holistic Operator
    "Maya is a splendid woman, with great competence and preparation. I have a lot of admiration for her and her work. She was a very sweet guide, but also assertive and strong in the necessary moments, always very welcoming and empowering so as to provide objectivity and presence. I never felt judged by her and I think this is fundamental and incredibly precious when working in a circle".
I was also moved by the Claudia Berti’ words, Priestess, artist and dancer:
  • Claudia Berti
    Priestess, Artist, Dancer
    "I started working on pleasure along the way as a student in Maya’s Training as a Priestess of Aphrodite & Sacred Se&uality and I'm still doing it today, going deepet with YEWTT. I'm becoming aware of the fact that I deserve pleasure by birthright and not because I necessarily did something to gain it"
I also keep Giulia Giuliani's feedback in my heart:
  • Giulia Giuliani
    “The journey with Yoni Eggs Technology Method has been profoundly transformative for me. Maya accompanied me - and the other amazing women- with empathy and sweetness, helping me to gently turn my head in the right direction, guiding me and reminding me that the only one who can accomplish that longed-for metamorphosis is me, and no one else; she assisted me in my search for independence, being very careful not to make me dependent on her help, just like real teachers do. She invited me to look at myself with greater love, through the lens of compassion and understanding, making me even more aware of my femininity and my cycles.

    With her, anyone is safe, as her natural gift is to keep space for others and make them aware of what is the right path for them. I advise this Training to all women who want to Empower themselves by awakening their Se&ual Power. It's a great way to invest in yourself.”
It moves me every year to see the revolution it generates in the students who decide to take this path and change their own lives and those of other women.

Federica Zamprogna
Holistic operator
"Pleasure in sexuality, in tasting food, in listening to a song, in looking at a flower, in playing with my daughter, in taking up space and time on my own, in dedicating myself to creativity...Pleasure has has now deeper connotations in my life. It manifests in many forms and I let myself be surprised and even ravished by it. I have often run away from pleasure because I had mental patterns of suffering and so I was not able to feel it even in small things. Now it is no more so...Pleasure for me now is closely connected to Gratitude, the more I feel pleasure and the more I thank and the more I thank and the more I feel pleasure".
Claudia Berti
Priestess, Artist, Dancer
"I started working on pleasure along the way as a student in Maya’s Training as a Priestess of Aphrodite & Sacred Se&uality and I'm still doing it today, going deepet with YEWTT. I'm becoming aware of the fact that I deserve pleasure by birthright and not because I necessarily did something to gain it"
Giulia Giuliani
“The journey with Yoni Eggs Technology Method has been profoundly transformative for me. Maya accompanied me - and the other amazing women- with empathy and sweetness, helping me to gently turn my head in the right direction, guiding me and reminding me that the only one who can accomplish that longed-for metamorphosis is me, and no one else; she assisted me in my search for independence, being very careful not to make me dependent on her help, just like real teachers do. She invited me to look at myself with greater love, through the lens of compassion and understanding, making me even more aware of my femininity and my cycles.

With her, anyone is safe, as her natural gift is to keep space for others and make them aware of what is the right path for them. I advise this Training to all women who want to Empower themselves by awakening their Se&ual Power. It's a great way to invest in yourself.”
Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands& Sex Coach Training is the only complete, effective, life-changing and excellent training in the world to be able to work as a successful Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands& Sex Coach Training.
It will change your life and that of all the women who will ask for your guidance.

And this year I will teach it in English language for the first and only time (next edition will be next year).
I am so sure of the value of this Training that, in addition to the Feedbacks of women who have already done it, I would like to offer you an additional Guarantee:
100% Money Back Guarantee
Within 15 days of enrollment, you can request a refund for the course. In short, it is a unique, precious and extremely valuable opportunity. It's really time for you to blossom and shine!

I am so sure of the value of this Training that, in addition to the Feedbacks of women who have already done it, I would like to offer you an additional Guarantee:

100% Money Back Guarantee

Within 15 days of enrollment, you can request a refund for the course. In short, it is a unique, precious and extremely valuable opportunity. It's really time for you to blossom and shine!

You can save your place in the wonderful Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands& Sex Coach Training Advanced by paying now less than half of its real value.
So what are you waiting for?
You can save your place in the wonderful Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands& Sex Coach Training Advanced by paying now less than half of its real value.
So what are you waiting for?
I wait for you and will be glad to guide you in this wonderful journey that will change your life SeXually, Professionally, Energetically and Spiritually.

And that will allow you to have huge a positive impact in the lives of all the women who will meet your path!
I wait for you and will be glad to guide you in this wonderful journey that will change your life SeXually, Professionally, Energetically and Spiritually.

And that will allow you to have huge a positive impact in the lives of all the women who will meet your path!
  • Is this training right for me even if i have little time?
    Yes, the lessons are all video-recorded and therefore usable wherever and whenever you want. This will allow you to tailor the route to your needs .
  • Am I required to take the final exam?
    The final exam is necessary to become a Certified Yoni Egg & Sacred Se&uality Coach to help women unleash their Pleasure and Power.
  • I have little budget, can I register anyway?
    That’s why there are 6 installments that costs you just like a dinner out with your partner: because I really want to make the training accessible for a larger amount of amazing women.

    This path is really an investment for your present and for your future; It's the best gift you can give yourself.

    At the end you will be able to work in a high trend field: Se&uality and Yoni Eggs, Helping other women to thrive with Pleasure like you’ll learn to do during the Training.
  • What if I lose motivation during the course?
    It’s precisely for this reason that I created the Facebook support group of Yoni Sisters, gathering all the present and past students from everywhere. It will be the safe place where you can confront each other, give and receive incouragement and support.

    In addition to that, there are also the weekly LIVES of Coaching and Q&A, a precious opportunity to receive answers to all of your questions and always find new enlivening inspiration.
  • Does it really work?
    The Method I teach comes from years of working in close contact with women, with their blocks, their desires and their needs. The enthusiastic Feedbacks you read are a mirror of the extraordinary transformations I have seen in every woman edition after edition.
  • What do I do if I can't attend the LIVES of Coaching and Q&A?
    No problem! You can send me your questions in advance and watch the video with my answers later, because every live is recorded and remains available for you life-time.

    If you are ready to Shine and Thrive as a Yoni Egg & Yoni Wands & Sex Coach Training