The Magic of Waters
I want to rediscover the Magic, I want the magical heat to flow again in my life, I want to be well,
I want to return to Flow
Knowing how to flow between life events just as water does, to adapt to any situation, have the tenacity to reach the longed-for Sea, crossing even the most inaccessible paths, to develop the ability to smooth out one's roughness to turn into jewels, not letting yourself be stopped by any obstacle, but learning to BE WATER… This is one of the oldest and most powerful teachings that Priestesses, Witches, Shamans, Wizards, Hermetics and Alchemists include in their basic practices.

Would you like?
Then you are in the right place!

The Magic of Waters is a journey that could change your life forever ...
Depending on what?
On how deep will you want to go ...


This course is complete with a theoretical part, thanks to which you will understand even more deeply the importance of water inside and outside of us, from a physical and magical point of view, and an experiential part, thanks to which you will be able to live in your body and on your skin some of the Sacred Practices that I teach to students from all over the world who wish to immerse themselves in the Mysteries of the Aphroditic Tradition.

The Magic of Waters is for you if you wish:

• Unlock your life, learning from the Water Element
• Free yourself from Stress
• To acquire valid tools to be able to let go of tensions from the body
• Learn powerful techniques to experience emotions in a healthy way
• Detoxify yourself physically and emotionally
• Learn how to self-heal from pain
• Restore the Energy Balance
• Flow and be able to cope with any event and situation
• Rediscover your Self-Love
• Reconnect to the Magical-Symbolic-Energetic Realm of Water,
• Return to the Source of inspiration and nourishment
• Awaken the Magic and the Sacredness in every daily gesture
• Connect Aphrodite as the Mother of the Waters

How to do it:
• Through a magical-transformative method,
• which is both a theoretical and a practical process,
• in which I guide you step by step
• through 7 types of water,
• accompanying you in your Transformation
• involving the physical-energetic-narrative-imaginal-magical levels
What you will find:
• Visualizations
• Meditations
• Contemplative and introspective practices
• Asanas and Mantras
• Magical Practices
• Empowerment exercises
• Initiations
• Mythological re-narrations
• Practices of purification, blessing and nurturing
• Songs of blessing and healing
• Artistic and creative suggestions
Are you ready to dive into the 7 types of Water in Nature and within you?
Are you ready to dive into your Inner Ocean and find your hidden Pearls and Treasures?
Are you ready to reopen the dams and let the Magic and the Sacred flow back into your daily life?
The Magic of the Waters course:
✔︎ is online
✔︎ you can access it wherever you want
✔︎ with your timing
✔︎ and have access to the course forever
✔︎ and whenever you want.

It is an invaluable opportunity and the best investment you can make for yourself this summer, to return to Flow in Wellness, Magic and Sacredness!

This generous Offer will only be valid for a very limited time, so I recommend you take advantage of it now, as I can't guarantee that the price will stay that low for much longer.

So, in summary, you can choose between three valuable opportunities:


In this season of the year more than ever you will have the opportunity to fully enjoy the whole process of both these precious courses, both because in the summer we have more time, and because we feel - after the tiredness of a year of work - greater need for such nourishing courses, and because the temperatures allow us to carry out certain practices in a more intense way and in direct and deep contact with Nature.
Here is what people who have already taken these courses say:

  • Francesca Rosa on the Course Initiation to the Mermaid Mysteries:
    Stainerian educator, actress and artist
    This course was hugely suggestive and powerful and spawned a handheld shooting journey of my life.
    Grace and power.
    Thank you!
  • Francesca Rosa on the Magic of Waters Course:
    Stainerian educator, actress and artist
    The path with the Waters led me to free myself from stale images of myself, letting my beauty re-emerge as the freedom to be and exist.
  • Antonella Della Morte on the Magic of Waters Course:
    Priestess and researcher
    Experiencing the Magic of the Waters was something extremely beautiful and profound. This wonderful course created by Maya saw the light for the first time just at a moment when I felt the call of the waters and the need to work with them very deeply, so I did not miss the opportunity and I can say that it is definitely worth it. All the courses created and offered by Maya are intense, exciting and transformative, but I particularly loved this one. Exploring the water world, connecting with this element, learning about its variety of forms and energies and learning to listen to its lessons was truly magical and even fun in some moments and, like everything that comes from Maya's heart, it was a sensory journey of care and pleasure, as well as total immersion, inspiration and intimate and revealing reflections. We are made of water, we live in a planet covered with water, life comes from water and water is essential for life, so it is very important to return to feel water, to remember that bond, that connection that can be a source of knowledge and wisdom. I absolutely recommend this course. Thank you Maya for the beauty and gifts you bring to the world.
  • Sheila Mulas on the Magic of Waters Course:
    Shaman and Witch
    The Magic of the Waters led me to reconnect with the deepest part of me. Through the flow or the stillness of the water I found my cellular memories, caressed, consoled and rejoiced with the Ancestors of which the water is full. It is an element that I have always taken for granted, sometimes even avoided, instead being under the roar of the rain, taking a fog bath or seeing the reflection of my soul through the mirror of a lake was pure emotion. A path that I recommend to all people who want to connect with the deepest self. Thanks Maya for this great opportunity!
  • Giorgia Strada on the Course Initiation to the Mermaid Mysteries:
    Perfumer and Teacher
    How willing are we to dive into the Seabed and intercept our ability to be connectors with primordial life and the surface? Through Maya's course I was able to recognise my being a Mermaid, my possibility of flowing in the waters and in her treasures; in our country, the culture of the Mediterranean has allowed us to lay the foundations for what makes our soul unique and special. Beauty and its daily practice facilitate well-being. Feel the body and pamper it. Recognise the sounds of waters of the Mermaids, reach the places of power to enter into deep contact with our forgotten origins. This is all in this magical course!
  • Giorgia Strada on the Magic of Waters Course:
    Perfumer and Teacher
    Waters have shape, sound, territory. The waters are us and our ability to connect with their energy is healing power. Through the path with Maya, dedicating to Waters, I walked places inside and outside of myself, I reconnected to moments of personal care conveyed by the Water Element, which carries with it the message of the me the worthiness and preciousness of Beauty. Purification, baptisms, immersions, rituals. Fullness. All this I found in this marvellous course!"
  • Anonymous Testimonial
    The world of Waters and Mermaids have always fascinated me, since I was a child.
    It was therefore a very pleasant surprise to know about Maya's courses on the waters and on the Mermaids. I immediately bought the course on the Mermaid, promising myself to buy also the one on the Waters after some time. What to say?
    If you love the sea, the waters, the shells and everything that lives in its wonderful abysses, the course on the Mermaid is for you ...
    With Maya's gentle guidance, you will discover the enchantment of a magical world, which will project you into the enchantment of your mystical depths, making you reclaim the arcane mystery of a magical, free, profound and aware sexuality.
    You will acquire grace and sweetness and like the waters you will know how to flow and enchant, also rediscovering the all-female pleasure of a new look and a new bewitching image.
So? Do you want to dive into the Magic of the Waters and the Symbology of the Mermaid?

I will be happy to accompany you and sail together among the waves of the Sea of ​​Change!

A lulling embrace like the Waves,
Maya Vassallo Di Florio